Many Firetak products are well-suited to on-farm or rural acreage applications, with uses ranging from water storage to spill containment and clean up for responsible environmental management.
The Fire*Braker and Firetak Backpacks are effective fire management tools which can assist with your controlled burning efforts and avoid costly mishaps.
Our Secondary Containment Berms can be used to protect against accidental spills of most liquids. Many styles and sizes are available to meet your needs. Take a look at what we have to offer and contact Firetak to discuss specific applications. Our custom manufacturing process can adapt to most situations.
Drip*Guards, Floor Guards, Drip Funnels and Spill Products (sorbent pads, socks and Spill Kits) are also useful products to manage any leaks, drips or spills that may occur in spite of your best efforts.
Firetak’s Totally Enclosed Tanks (bladders), including Pillow Tanks, come in almost any size and are used to store water or waste, with materials selected to meet your liquid storage needs. Many of our smaller tanks include an interior baffle to facilitate transport. Outlets are custom configured to your specifications.
All Firetak collapsible PVC products fold compactly and are lightweight for storage, transport and rapid deployment. Contact Firetak for further information on materials suited to your requirements.